For over 15 years, we’ve been at the heart of the commodity and energy trading communities, creating world-class events and delivering invaluable insights to industry professionals. From in-person conferences to online events, webinars, and exclusive content reaching tens of thousands of commodity and energy leaders, we are dedicated to driving collaboration, learning, and innovation across the sector.
Our global portfolio includes flagship events like Commodity Trading Week Europe, Americas, and APAC, Energy Trading Week Europe and Americas, as well as online series highlighting the biggest opportunities and challenges facing the industry. These gatherings serve as independent, unbiased platforms where leaders come together to exchange ideas, gain insights, and forge meaningful business relationships. Beyond the events, our Energy and Commodity Trading Insiders offer a wealth of free content, keeping you informed and ahead in this ever-evolving space.
We’re proud to work with expert speakers and industry trailblazers, as well as some of the most innovative companies in the sector through partnerships and sponsorships that bring fresh perspectives and opportunities to our audience.
Looking to the future, we’re passionate about supporting the next generation of trading professionals. Through our Future Leaders Initiative, we empower talented students with opportunities to attend our events and kickstart their careers in commodity and energy trading.
Explore our events, dive into our free resources, or get in touch to learn how you can be part of this dynamic community – whether as an attendee, speaker, sponsor, or partner, join us in shaping the future of commodity and energy trading!
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